Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring?? March and it's Snowing today

It says on my calendar that spring begins on March 20th, but you'd never know by looking outside this morning. Here's a picture behind our house, taken about 5 minutes ago.

I cannot believe it's March and we are still getting snow!
So, here I sit, wondering what to do on this beautiful snowy morning.
Probably a good idea to update my blog, since it's been a good amount of time since the last post!!

Madrona has come and gone, and although I had a wonderful time, it's nice to be catching up on things here.

Kari and I have been working on the CSMSA - Circular Sock Machine Society of America event for this year in Tacoma, WA. if you'd like more info on it.

I received a phone call a week or so ago from a man wanting to sell his Aiken Family Knitter.
An Aiken!! I was so excited!!! Here's a picture of it.
Now....what's so great about an Aiken, you might ask? Aiken was the first circular machine to use the latch hook needle, patented by his father.

This is what it says, in case it's not legible in the photo.

Patented Sept.11, 1855 Feb'y 5, 1861
Patented Jan. 9, 1849
J.B Aiken
12 Gage
No. 745
W. AikenMaker

I collect & restore antique sock knitting machines. Actually, that is also what the CSMSA is all about. - The preservation of the tabletop antique sock knitting machines.

Richard Candee has written a book and also has an ebook on the history of the circular sock knitting machine. It's available here.

1 comment:

N. Maria said...

Whoa!!! That IS exciting! It really couldn't happen to a better person. You are so very knowledgeable.........and helpful.