Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sock Summit :)

My booth.

Well, I am way behind on my blog - as you may have noticed from the title!
Sock Summit was about a month or so ago. STILL, there are fond memories and
wonderful people that I met and others that I knew from before.
I had some really great help at Sock Summit! 3 generations of the same family!
Melody Cowan demonstrated the sock machine.

Marika, Linda, and Melody helped me out. (and Marika's friend, Rebekah)

Here's Marika - she has the most beautiful beaded jewelry that she makes! The beads are knitted in. If you ever see her at a show with me, be sure to check the jewelry out! You won't be disappointed!
Oh! She's standing next to SockItToMeSusan. Marika chose the name. Susan only likes to wear socks, although after she saw Marika's jewelry, she did want to wear a bracelet.

Linda was cranking away on the sock knitting machine a lot
of the time. She made some wonderful socks and a long
sock scarf.


Rebekah helped out on Sunday.

Me and SockItToMeSusan.

Me before I bought some Dansko shoes around
the corner.
All in all, it was great fun! :)


ansichtsache said...

It sounds that you all had have a great time with lots of fun in Portland at Sock-Summit. I wish I could be there. It’s so nice to see the pics, and Melody looks so proudly by cranking her machine. Greetings to all.

N. Maria said...

Oh, Pat! I am so glad you posted this with the pictures! It's always fun to see pictures of people you know!
Your booth looked great!

Anonymous said...

Great story you got here. It would be great to read something more concerning this theme. Thanx for sharing this info.